var leadSynth, bassSynth;
This is a big demo, building on sketch_advanced.js
and featuring a variety of more advanced topics.
to schedule a series of events.Declare the synth’s globally so that all parts of the program can access them easily.
var leadSynth, bassSynth;
setup() is called by p5 kick off the program.
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 360);
MonoSynth.prototype.reportNote = showNote;
Call nextSong now, to play the first song.
Setup a interval to play a new song every 9000 milliseconds.
setInterval(function() {
}, 9000);
nextSong() Clears the drawing area, and kicks off the song.
function nextSong() {
Set up drawing state.
Pick a seed.
var songSeed = floor(random(100000));
Pass seed to song generator.
var song = generateSong(songSeed);
generateSong generates a song, creates synths, and plays the song
function generateSong(seed) {
Call chooseParams with the seed to create the parameters that shape the song.
var params = chooseParams(seed);
At this point we have a structure that represents all the parameters that shape the song. If you like, you could override the parameters here, to make sure that all songs are in the same key, or something like that.
Show the params in the javascript console.
console.log(JSON.stringify(params, null, " "));
Pass the chosen parameters to makeBassline
and makeLead
to generate the song.
var bassline = makeBassline(params.bass);
var lead = makeLead(params.lead);
Create the baseSynth and configure it according to the parameters.
bassSynth = new MonoSynth();
configureSynth(bassSynth, params.bass);
We want the baseline quieter than the lead.
bassSynth.amplitude = 0.25;
Translate the bassline into the key from the params.
bassline = quickMusic.imposePhrase(bassline, quickMusic.nameToMIDI(params.tonic,
params.bass.octave), params.scale);
Start the bassline playing.
Create the lead synth.
leadSynth = new MonoSynth();
configureSynth(leadSynth, params.lead);
bassSynth.amplitude = 0.5;
Set the key…
lead = quickMusic.imposePhrase(lead, quickMusic.nameToMIDI(params.tonic,
params.lead.octave), params.scale);
Play the lead.
Draw info about the song to screen.
text("Song: " + seed, 10, 40);
text(params.tonic + " " + params.scaleName, 10, height - 40);
chooseParams() creates an object containing the parameters that hape the song.
function chooseParams(seed) {
If not seed is provided, pick one at random.
songSeed = seed || floor(random(1000000));
Report the seed on the javascript console.
console.log("Song Seed: ", songSeed);
Use randomSeed to set the seed. Random values will be repeatable.
Create the empty object to contain all the parameters.
params = {};
Create a param property named ‘tonic’, set its value to one of the notes.
params.tonic = sample(quickMusic.noteNames);
The name of the scale used by the song.
params.scaleName = sample(Object.keys(quickMusic.scales));
The scale intervals for the song.
params.scale = quickMusic.scales[params.scaleName];
Create a property called ‘lead’ that will contain parameters about the lead synth and music.
params.lead = {};
A human readable name. = "Lead";
What octave to play in.
params.lead.octave = sample([2, 3, 3, 4, 5]);
The tone to use.
params.lead.waveType = sample(['sine', 'triangle', 'sawtooth', 'square']);
Spacing is the time between notes.
params.lead.spacing = random(-0.1, 0.15);
The decay of tones.
params.lead.decay = min(random(), random(), random());
A random seed for generating the music.
params.lead.seed = floor(random(10000));
How far to shift the B
params.lead.phraseShift = sample([-3, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2, 5, 7, 14]);
Candidate step sizes for the melody.
params.lead.brownianSteps = [-2, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2];
Pick on of several types of note length groups.
params.lead.noteLengths = sample([
[1 / 2, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 4, 1 / 8, 1 / 8],
[1 / 2, 1 / 4],
[1 / 8],
[1 / 2, 1 / 16, 1 / 16, 1 / 16],
[1 / 3, 1 / 6]
How likely a note will silent, creating a rest.
params.lead.restChance = sample([0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5]);
Similar settings for the bass part
params.bass = {}; = "Bass";
params.bass.octave = sample([1, 2, 2, 3, 4]);
params.bass.waveType = sample(['sine', 'triangle', 'sawtooth', 'square']);
params.bass.spacing = random(-0.1, 0.15);
params.bass.decay = min(random(), random(), random());
params.bass.seed = floor(random(10000));
return params;
configureSynth() sets values in the provided synth according the provided synthParams
function configureSynth(synth, synthParams) { =;
synth.spacing = synthParams.spacing;
synth.envelope.setADSR(0.01, 0.05, 0.75, synthParams.decay);
makeBassLine() generates the notes of the bassline.
function makeBassline(params) {
Start with an empty phrase.
var phrase = [];
Choose how many beats per measure.
var beats = sample([1, 2, 4]);
Make Four Measures.
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Choose a note that is either the tonic, the 4th or the 5th.
var position = sample([0, 3, 4]);
Add the notes.
for (var beat = 0; beat < beats; beat++) {
phrase.push([position, 1 / beats]);
Repeat the first four measures to create the second four measures.
phrase = phrase.concat(phrase);
Remove last measure of beats.
phrase = phrase.slice(0, phrase.length - beats);
Add a long tonic note. Ending on the tonic sometimes sounds nice.
phrase.push([0, 1]);
Return the phrase.
return phrase;
makeLead() generates a structured something like
this: A B B'B / A B B' C
Each letter represents a four beat measure. The first and fifth measures are the same, as are the second and sixth and third and seventh.
The measure B'
is a variation on measure B
. Using repetion and
variation makes the song feel more cohesive.
function makeLead(params) {
var fullPhrase = [];
var introPhrase = makePhrase(params);
var middlePhrase = makePhrase(params);
var alternatePhrase = quickMusic.shiftPhrase(middlePhrase, params.phraseShift);
var concludingPhrase = quickMusic.clonePhrase(middlePhrase);
concludingPhrase[concludingPhrase.length - 1][0] = 0;
fullPhrase = fullPhrase.concat(
return fullPhrase;
makePhrase() generates a single measure of music It picks notes by walking up and down the scale. It picks note lengths at random, being careful that the total length works out to 1.0
function makePhrase(params) {
var phrase = [];
var position = floor(random(7));
var lengthLeft = 1;
while (lengthLeft > 0) {
position += sample(params.brownianSteps);
var length = sample(params.noteLengths);
length = constrain(length, 0, lengthLeft);
if (random() < params.restChance) {
phrase.push(["rest", length]);
} else {
phrase.push([position, length]);
lengthLeft -= length;
return phrase;
showNote() is a callback
It gets called everytime a monosynth begins playing a note. It draws a visualization of that note to the stage.
function showNote(synth, note, length, time) {
Use push()
and pop()
to make sure that this function doesn’t upset the drawing state used elsewhere.
Pick the color based on what synth is playing the note.
if (synth === leadSynth) {
fill(0, 250, 150);
if (synth === bassSynth) {
fill(0, 150, 250);
Draw the note.
rect(map(time, 0, 8, 0, width), map(note, 0, 96, height, 0), map(length, 0,
8, 0, width) - 2, 7, 3, 3, 3, 3);
sample() recieves and array, selects an item in the array randomly, and returns it
function sample(a) {
return a[floor(random(a.length))];