Week 2 Class Notes

Intro Activity: Dice

Today’s Materials: Dice (provided), Paper, Pens, Laptop

4:00Homework Review
4:10P5 (re)intro
5:20Setting up Github, Starting a P5 Project
5:30In class work-time: Randomized Drawings

Homework Review

To make browsing work easier please tag all of your posts with the following tags:

If you see interesting work, books, or tools related to the class online. Please do post links to the blog.

Whenever you post work you didn’t make yourself include a link to the source, and if possible the artist’s name.

Procedurally Generated Images

View Slides

What p5 Is

From the p5js Homepage:

p5.js is a JavaScript library that starts with the original goal of Processing, to make coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners, and reinterprets this for today’s web.

P5 is a Library you can use with javascript to make drawings and animations in HTML5 Canvas Elements. It makes getting set up and working faster and provides simple functions for common tasks. It also allows for a more imparative programming style, similar to Processing.

If you have never worked with with Processing or p5, you’ll need to do some reading and learning on your own. Here are some resources to get you started quickly:

The Methodical Application of Chance

Random Values

Generating Random Numbers

Plain Javascript provides Math.random() to generate a random number. Processing provides the random() for generating random numbers. Without any parameters, random() generates a random number between 0 and 1 (not including the 1). You can pass paramters to control the range of the number. The numbers produced by random should be pretty close to evenly distributed.

Even Distribution

If you want your numbers evenly distributed over a range, random() just works.

random(0,10); // even distribution between 0 and 10
random(10,15); // even distribution between 10 and 15

In some libraries the random function doesn’t take parameters, and just gives you a value between 0 and 1. If you want a different range, you can scale and offset the value yourself:

random() * range + start
random() * 5 + 10 // even distribution between 10 and 15

Random Integers

The random() function returns floating point values, but sometimes you just want whole numbers. The floor() function will round a number down, chopping off the decimal part.

// roll a standard die
floor(random(0,6)) + 1

// this won't quite work. why?

Biased Distribution

Sometimes even distribution isn’t what you really want. Often you want numbers in the middle, low, or high numbers to come up more often. Simple averaging and the min() and max() functions can help with this.

// generate two numbers, and average them to get a middle bias
(random(0,10) + random(0,10)) / 2

// pick the lower of two random numbers for low bias
min(random(), random())

// pick the higher of two random numbers for high bias
max(random(), random())

Normal Distribution

If you generate several random numbers and average them, the result gets close to normal (bell curve) distribution.

// average more than two numbers to get something like normal, bell curve distribution
(random(0,10) + random(0,10) + random(0,10)) / 3

P5 also provides the randomGausian() function for generating numbers with normal distribution. With randomGausian the possible values are not clamped to a range, extreme outliers are just really rare.

More Info

Anydice Anydice Three Basic Distributions Redblob Post

Random Value Visualizer

Random Choices

If you want your code to make a decision at random, you can combine random() with and conditional (if) statement.

// do something only half the time
if (random() < .5) {
    console.log("Optional Thing");

// do something only 10% of the time
if (random() < .1) {
    console.log("Rare Thing");

// another way to do something only 10% of the time
if (random(100) < 10) {
    console.log("Rare Thing");

With else you can pick between two optional things to do.

// do one thing, or the other. even odds
if (random() < .5) {
    console.log("Option A");
} else {
    console.log("Option B");

With else if you can pick between multiple optional things to do.

var r = random(100);

if (r < 20) {
    console.log("Rare Thing 1 (20%)");
} else if (r < 40){
    console.log("Rare Thing 2 (20%)"); // r must be > 20 and < 40
} else {
    console.log("Normal Thing (Remaining 60%)");

A common mistake when following this pattern is calling random multiple times. If you are making 1 choice between several options, you only want to call random() once.

1 choice, 1 random.

// this code doesn't work as expected
if (random(100) < 20) {
    console.log("Rare Thing 1 (20%)"); // Actually a 20% chance
} else if (random(100) < 40){
    console.log("Rare Thing 2 (20%)"); // Actually a 32% chance
} else {
    console.log("Normal Thing (Remaining 80%)"); // Actually a 48% chance

Dice vs. Decks

If you roll a die a few times you might get the same value more than once, and it might take a long time before a particular value pops up.

If you roll a normal die six times, it is unlikely that you’ll get all six values without repeats (only happens 1.5% of the time).

Also, it wouldn’t really be odd to not roll any 1’s (happens about 33% of the time). In fact you can be pretty sure that at least one number won’t pop up in six rolls (98.5% sure).

Decks of cards work differently. When you pull a card off of a shuffled deck, you get a random value, but then you can remove that value from the deck. That way you can avoid duplicates, and you can make sure you tour all the values eventually.

Modeling a Deck with an Array

var values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
var position = 0;
function setup() {
    values = shuffle(values);

Deck Visualizer

Psuedo-random vs. Random

If your computer is working right, it represents a deterministic system. When the computer is in a particular state and performs an instruction, the resulting state will always be the same. By definition, the results are never random.

So how can random() produce a random value? Well, it can’t. It can produce only psuedorandom values. Pseudorandom values are appear random if you don’t look very closely, but which are created by a deterministic process.

A common method to create pseudorandom values is a Linear Congruential Generator.

For our purposes, it is not really important to understand exactly how the generator works.

It is important to understand that the sequence of random() numbers is perfectly predictable, if you know where it started.

Setting the Random Seed

P5 provides a the randomSeed() to set the seed used by random(). Once you have set the seed, the sequence of values produced by random will always be the same.

Using the seed, you can use random values in your code, but have the same things happen between runs. This can be a useful feature of programs, and can help with debugging problems.

Be careful when relying on the seed to get random but repeatable results. There are at least two common ways for things to get messed up.

First, if your program accepts user input, and that input can influence how many times random() is called, your program can get off sequence.

Second, if you change your program and add or remove a call to random(), you will alter the sequence.

Study Examples

Small Multiples


Brownian Motion

Brownian Motion



Workshop: Hello, World

Recommended Tools

What Git and Github Are

Git is a version control system. As you work on a project it will grow and change. Git keeps track of the changes you make to the files in your project, keeping a valuable history. With version control, you can review changes to a file over time and you can revert a single file or entire project to an earlier version if (when) something goes wrong. Git also provides powerful tools for sharing your work with others and merging the work of teammates.

Github is a service that hosts software projects that use Git. Github builds on Git, adding features for collaborative coding such as bug tracking and code reviews. Github hosts a huge array of open-source and private projects and libraries.

Normally, you use the Git software through its command line interface. If you are not comfortable using the command line, you won’t be comfortable using Git in this way. Github Desktop is a simple graphical user interface for Git, with added integration with Github. Github desktop isn’t as powerful as the command line interface, but it can cover the basic workflows we’ll use in class.

Getting Started

For the first few weeks we’ll be using p5 for our sketches. Rather than create a seperate project repo for each sketch, keep your sketches organized on one repo. I’ve created a template project for your sketches.

We’ll run through these steps to get up and running with the template together in class.
